Source code for sparrow.entity

import collections
import datetime
import copy
from functools import wraps
import itertools
import json
import weakref  # This is some serious next-level stuff :D
import types  # For annotations

import pdb

from .util import *
from .sql import *

# Exceptions
# ==========

[docs]class PropertyConstraintFail(Error): """Raised when a property failed to follow its constraint.""" def __init__(self, obj, prop): self.obj = obj self.prop = prop def __str__(self): try: return "Constraint of property {} of object {s.obj} failed".format(s=self) except Exception as e: return "Constraint of property {} of some {t} failed (and __str__ failed too!)".format(s=self, t=type(self.obj).__name__)
[docs]class ObjectConstraintFail(Error): """Raised when an object failed to follow its constraint.""" def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj def __str__(self): try: return "Object-wide constraint of object {s.obj} failed".format(s=self) except: return "Object-wide constraint of object {t} failed (and __str__ failed too!)".format(t=type(self.obj).__name__)
# TODO use this (search for CantSetProperty for more notes)
[docs]class CantSetProperty(Error): """Raised when trying to set properties you may not edit. Mainly when editing/setting through edit_from_json or Cls(json_dict=...).""" def __init__(self, obj, propnames): self.obj = obj self.propnames = propnames def __str__(self): try: return "Tried and failed to set {n} of object {s.obj}".format(s=self, n=", ".join(self.propnames)) except: return "Tried and failed to set {n} of some {t} (and __str__ failed too!)".format(n=", ".join(self.propnames), t=type(self.obj).__name__)
# Type stuff # ========== default_sqltypes = { int: "BIGINT", str: "VARCHAR", float: "DOUBLE PRECISION", bool: "BOOL", datetime.datetime: "TIMESTAMP", # but consider perhaps amount of seconds since UNIX epoch }
[docs]class Type: def __init__(self, python_type, sql_type=None): if sql_type is not None: self.python_type = python_type self.sql_type = sql_type else: self.python_type = python_type self.sql_type = default_sqltypes[python_type]
[docs] def to_sql(self, obj: "self.python_type"): return obj
[docs] def from_sql(self, obj): return obj
constraint = None def __str__(self): return "Type({}, {})".format(str(self.python_type), self.sql_type)
[docs]class StaticType(Type): pass
class _Json(StaticType): @staticmethod def to_sql(obj): return json.dumps(obj) #@staticmethod #def from_sql(obj): #return json.loads(obj) Json = _Json(str, "JSONB")
[docs]class List(Type): def __init__(self, inner_type): self.python_type = list if not isinstance(inner_type, Type): inner_type = Type(inner_type) self.inner_type = inner_type self.sql_type = inner_type.sql_type + "[]"
[docs] def to_sql(self, obj: "self.python_type", f=repr): return "{" + ", ".join([f(o) for o in obj]) + "}"
def __str__(self): return "List(" + str(self.inner_type) + ")"
[docs]class Enum(Type): def __init__(self, *args): self.options = args self.inv_options = {val: num for num, val in enumerate(self.options)} self.python_type = str @property def constraint(self): def _constraint(val, _self=self): return val in self.options return _constraint def __postinit__(self): self.__postinited__ = True self._create_type_command = RawSql("CREATE TYPE {} AS ENUM ({opt})".format( s=self, opt=", ".join(["'" + str(s) + "'" for s in self.options]))) self._drop_type_command = RawSql("DROP TYPE IF EXISTS {} CASCADE".format(s=self)) self.sql_type = def __str__(self): return "Enum(" + ", ".join([repr(o) for o in self.options]) + ")"
# Entity stuff # ============
[docs]def create_where_comparison(op): def method(self, other): return Where(self, op, other) return method
[docs]def create_order(op): def method(self): return Order(self, op) return method
[docs]class Queryable: _overloads = { "__lt__": create_where_comparison("<"), "__gt__": create_where_comparison(">"), "__le__": create_where_comparison("<="), "__ge__": create_where_comparison(">="), "__eq__": create_where_comparison("="), "__ne__": create_where_comparison("!="), "__pos__": create_order("ASC"), "__neg__": create_order("DESC"), } def __eq__(self, other): return self is other def __ne__(self, other): return self is not other _originals = { "__eq__": __eq__, "__ne__": __ne__, } _use_own_overloads = False @staticmethod def _set_overloads(use_own: bool): if Queryable._use_own_overloads == use_own: return if use_own: for k in Queryable._originals: delattr(Queryable, k) for (k, v) in Queryable._overloads.items(): setattr(Queryable, k, v) else: for k in Queryable._overloads: delattr(Queryable, k) for (k, v) in Queryable._originals.items(): setattr(Queryable, k, v) Queryable._use_own_overloads = use_own
[docs]class Property(Queryable): def __init__(self, typ, constraint: types.FunctionType = None, sql_extra: str = "", required: bool = True, json: bool = True): if not isinstance(typ, (Type, StaticType)): typ = Type(typ) self.type = typ if self.type.constraint is not None: if constraint is None: constraint = self.type.constraint else: constraint = lambda val: self.type.constraint(val) and constraint(val) self.constraint = constraint self.sql_extra = sql_extra self.required = required self.json = json = None # Set by the metaclass self.dataname = None # Idem, where to find the actual stored data inside an object self.cls = None # Idem def __postinit__(self): self.__postinited__ = True # ...
[docs] def sql_def(self): return "\t" + + " " + self.type_sql_def()
[docs] def type_sql_def(self): return self.type.sql_type + (" " + self.sql_extra if self.sql_extra != "" else "") + (" NOT NULL" if self.required else "")
def __str__(self): return self.cls._table_name + "." +
[docs]class Key(Queryable): """ A reference to other properties that define the key of this object. """ def __init__(self, *props): self.orig_props = props self.props = props self.single_prop = None def __postinit__(self): self.__postinited__ = True newprops = [] for p in self.props: if isinstance(p, Reference): newprops.extend(p.props) assert len(p.props) >= 1 else: newprops.append(p) self.props = newprops assert len(self.props) >= 1 if len(self.props) == 1: self.single_prop = self.props[0] self.__class__ = SingleKey
[docs] def referencing_props(self): yield from self.props
[docs] def sql_constraint(self) -> str: """Returns the SQL needed to define the PRIMARY KEY constraint.""" return "\tPRIMARY KEY " + str(self)
def __str__(self): return "({keys})".format(keys=", ".join([ for p in self.referencing_props()])) def __get__(self, obj, type=None): if obj is None: return self return tuple([obj.__dict__[p.dataname] for p in self.referencing_props()]) def __set__(self, obj, val): if obj is not None: for (i, p) in enumerate(self.referencing_props()): if p.constraint is not None and not p.constraint(val): raise PropertyConstraintFail(obj, p) obj.__dict__[p.dataname] = val[i] def __delete__(self, obj): pass # ?
[docs]class SingleKey(Key): """Version of Key with only one property. (Don't directly use this, it will be automatic.) """ def __get__(self, obj, type=None): if obj is None: return self return obj.__dict__[self.single_prop.dataname] def __set__(self, obj, val): if obj is not None: if self.single_prop.constraint is not None and not self.single_prop.constraint(val): raise PropertyConstraintFail(obj, single_prop) obj.__dict__[self.single_prop.dataname] = val def __delete__(self, obj): pass # ?
[docs]class KeyProperty(SingleKey, Property): """ A specifically created property to be used as a key. Type in postgres is SERIAL. """ def __init__(self): Property.__init__(self, Type(int, "SERIAL"), required=False) self.single_prop = self def __postinit__(self): self.__postinited__ = True
[docs] def referencing_props(self): yield self
[docs] def sql_constraint(self) -> str: return "\tPRIMARY KEY (" + + ")"
__str__ = Property.__str__
[docs]class Reference(Queryable): """A reference to another Entity type.""" def __init__(self, ref: "MetaEntity", json=True, cascade=True): self.ref = ref self.json = json self.ref_props = list(ref.key.referencing_props()) assert len(self.ref_props) >= 1 self.props = [] self.single_prop = None = None # Set by metaclass self.cascade = cascade @classmethod
[docs] def single_upgrade(cls): return SingleReference
def __postinit__(self): # called by metaclass self.__postinited__ = True self.props = [] for rp in self.ref_props: p = Property(Type(rp.type.python_type, rp.type.sql_type if not rp.type.sql_type == "SERIAL" else None), json=self.json) p.cls = rp.cls = + "_" + p.dataname = + "_" + rp.dataname self.props.append(p) assert len(self.props) >= 1 if len(self.props) == 1: self.single_prop = self.props[0] self.__class__ = self.single_upgrade()
[docs] def sql_constraint(self) -> str: """Will only generate the SQL constraint. The metaclass will take care of the properties.""" return "\tFOREIGN KEY ({own_props}) REFERENCES {ref_name}".format( own_props=", ".join([ for p in self.props]), ref_name=self.ref._table_name, ) + " ON DELETE CASCADE" if self.cascade else ""
def __str__(self): return "(" + ", ".join([str(p) for p in self.props]) + ")" def __get__(self, obj, type=None): if obj is None: return self return tuple([obj.__dict__[p.dataname] for p in self.props]) def __set__(self, obj, val): if obj is not None: for (i, p) in enumerate(self.props): obj.__dict__[p.dataname] = val[i] __simple_set__ = __set__ def __delete__(self, obj): pass # ?
[docs]class RTReference(Reference): """Reference that automatically notifies the referencing object.""" def __init__(self, ref: "MetaEntity"): """`ref` needs to be a subclass of `RTEntity`.""" assert issubclass(ref, RTEntity) Reference.__init__(self, ref) @classmethod
[docs] def single_upgrade(cls): return RTSingleReference
def __set__(self, obj, val): if obj is not None: try: key = self.__get__(obj) if key in self.ref.cache: self.ref.cache[key].remove_reference(self, obj) except KeyError: pass for (i, p) in enumerate(self.props): obj.__dict__[p.dataname] = val[i] # Update if val in self.ref.cache: self.ref.cache[val].new_reference(self, obj)
[docs]class SingleReference(Reference): """Version of Reference with only one referencing property. (Don't directly use this, it will be automatic.) """ def __get__(self, obj, type=None): if obj is None: return self return obj.__dict__[self.single_prop.dataname] def __set__(self, obj, val): # References can not be constrained if obj is not None: obj.__dict__[self.single_prop.dataname] = val __simple_set__ = __set__ def __str__(self): return str(self.single_prop)
[docs]class RTSingleReference(RTReference, SingleReference): """Version of RTReference with only one referencing property. (Don't directly use this, it will be automatic.) """ def __set__(self, obj, val): # References can not be constrained if obj is not None: try: key = obj.__dict__[self.single_prop.dataname] if key in self.ref.cache: self.ref.cache[key].remove_reference(self, obj) except KeyError: pass obj.__dict__[self.single_prop.dataname] = val # Update if val in self.ref.cache: self.ref.cache[val].new_reference(self, obj)
# This is a better way of doing things than python's native property
[docs]class ConstrainedProperty(Property): # No init, just hack around it by setting __class__ def __get__(self, obj, type=None): if obj is None: return self return obj.__dict__[self.dataname] def __set__(self, obj, val): if obj is not None: if not self.constraint(val): raise PropertyConstraintFail(obj, self) obj.__dict__[self.dataname] = val
[docs]def classitems(dct, bases): """Helper function to allow for inheritance""" for b in bases: yield from classitems(b.__dict__, b.__bases__) yield from dct.items()
[docs]class MetaEntity(type): """Metaclass for `Entity`. This does a whole lot of stuff you should not care about as user of this library. If you do want to know how it works I suggest you read the code. """ @classmethod def __prepare__(self, name, bases): # Thanks to return collections.OrderedDict() def __new__(self, name, bases, dct): Queryable._set_overloads(False) # TODO test inheritance? all_items = list(classitems(dct, bases)) full_dct = collections.OrderedDict(all_items) ordered_props = [k for (k, v) in full_dct.items() if isinstance(v, Property) and not k == "key"] ordered_refs = [k for (k, v) in full_dct.items() if isinstance(v, Reference)] if not("__no_meta__" in dct and dct["__no_meta__"]): enums = [] # TODO handle order in class inheritance for (k,v) in dct.items(): if isinstance(v, Enum): = k v.__postinit__() enums.append(v) dct["_enums"] = enums props = [] json_props = [] init_properties = [] for k in ordered_props: p = full_dct[k] if hasattr(p, "__postinited__") and p.__postinited__: p = copy.deepcopy(p) full_dct[k] = p dct[k] = p # Set some stuff of properties that are not known at creation time = k p.__postinit__() props.append(p) if p.json: json_props.append(p) if p.constraint is not None: p.dataname = "_data_" + p.__class__ = ConstrainedProperty # woohoo HACK init_properties.append((p,True)) else: p.dataname = init_properties.append((p,False)) dct["_props"] = props refs = [] init_ref_properties = [] init_raw_ref_properties = [] for k in ordered_refs: r = full_dct[k] if hasattr(r, "__postinited__") and r.__postinited__: r = copy.deepcopy(r) full_dct[k] = r dct[k] = r = k r.__postinit__() refs.append(r) props.extend(r.props) json_props.extend([p for p in r.props if p.json]) init_raw_ref_properties.extend(r.props) init_ref_properties.append(r) dct["_json_props"] = json_props # see below for _edit_json_props dct["_refs"] = refs dct["_rt_refs"] = [r for r in refs if isinstance(r, RTReference)] def __metainit__(obj, db_args=None, json_dict=None, **kwargs): # TODO document and test three ways of initialisation if db_args is not None: # Init from a simple list/tuple obj.in_db = True start = 0 for (i, (p, constrained)) in enumerate(init_properties): val = p.type.from_sql(db_args[i]) if constrained and (not p.constraint(val)): raise PropertyConstraintFail(obj, p) obj.__dict__[p.dataname] = val for (i, p) in enumerate(init_raw_ref_properties, len(init_properties)): obj.__dict__[p.dataname] = db_args[i] elif json_dict is not None: #used = set() obj.in_db = False # Init from a (more raw) dictionary, possibly unsafe for (p, constrained) in init_properties: if p.json and in json_dict: val = json_dict[] #used.add( else: if p.required: raise KeyError("Didn't find property {} in json_dict".format( else: val = None if constrained and (not p.constraint(val)): raise PropertyConstraintFail(obj, p) obj.__dict__[p.dataname] = val for p in init_raw_ref_properties: if p.json: obj.__dict__[p.dataname] = json_dict[] #used.add( else: if p.required: raise KeyError("Didn't find property {} in json_dict".format( else: obj.__dict__[p.dataname] = None # TODO perhaps enable this again :) #notused = json_dict.keys() - used #if len(notused) > 0: # raise CantSetProperty(obj, notused) else: obj.in_db = False for (p, constrained) in init_properties: try: val = kwargs[] except KeyError as e: if p.required: raise e from e else: val = None if constrained and (not p.constraint(val)): raise PropertyConstraintFail(obj, p) obj.__dict__[p.dataname] = val for r in init_ref_properties: r.__simple_set__(obj, kwargs[]) # Can't call listeners yet, do that on insert or update obj.check() dct["__metainit__"] = __metainit__ if "key" in full_dct: the_key = full_dct["key"] if hasattr(the_key, "__postinited__") and the_key.__postinited__: the_key = copy.deepcopy(the_key) the_key.__postinit__() dct["key"] = the_key full_dct["key"] = the_key dct["_incomplete"] = isinstance(the_key, KeyProperty) else: assert False, "Each class must have a key" # TODO dct["_complete_props"] = [p for p in props if not isinstance(p, KeyProperty)] dct["_table_name"] = "table_" + name edit_json_props = json_props[:] for p in the_key.referencing_props(): if p in edit_json_props: edit_json_props.remove(p) dct["_edit_json_props"] = edit_json_props Queryable._set_overloads(True) cls = type.__new__(self, name, bases, dct) for p in props: p.cls = cls if isinstance(cls.key, Property): cls.key.cls = cls cls._select_props = ", ".join([ for p in itertools.chain([p for p, c in init_properties], init_raw_ref_properties)]) cls._create_table_command = CreateTable(cls).to_raw() cls._drop_table_command = DropTable(cls).to_raw() if cls._incomplete: cls._insert_command = Insert(cls, returning=cls.key).to_raw() cls._replace_command = Insert(cls, returning=cls.key, replace=True).to_raw() else: cls._insert_command = Insert(cls).to_raw() cls._replace_command = Insert(cls, replace=True).to_raw() cls._update_command = Update(cls).to_raw() cls._delete_command = Delete(cls).to_raw() cls._find_by_key_query = Select(cls, [cls.key == Field("key")]) # FANCYYYY cls.cache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() else: cls = type.__new__(self, name, bases, dct) return cls def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): inst = super(MetaEntity, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs) if inst.key is not None: if inst.key in self.cache: # Replacing by cached entry return self.cache[inst.key] else: self.cache[inst.key] = inst return inst
[docs]class Entity(metaclass=MetaEntity): """Central class for an Entity. WARNING: Be careful with changing the key as it will fuck with caching. Basically, don't do it. """ __no_meta__ = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.__metainit__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def insert(self, db: Database = None, replace=False): """Insert in database.""" if db is None: db = GlobalDb.get() if self.key is None: assert type(self)._incomplete await self._simple_insert(db, replace) assert self.key is not None if not replace: assert self.key not in type(self).cache, "Tried inserting but already in cache!" type(self).cache[self.key] = self # In case of replace, this kinda invalidates some elements # So be careful with replace! else: await self._simple_insert(db, replace)
async def _simple_insert(self, db: Database = None, replace=False): if db is None: db = GlobalDb.get() self.check() assert not self.in_db cls = type(self) dct = {} for p in self._complete_props: dct[] = p.type.to_sql(self.__dict__[p.dataname]) if replace: insert = cls._replace_command.with_data(**dct) else: insert = cls._insert_command.with_data(**dct) if cls._incomplete: result = await insert.raw(db) self.__dict__[cls.key.dataname] = result[0] else: await insert.exec(db) self.in_db = True for rt_ref in self._rt_refs: # Send references to all RTReferences we couldn't trigger when initializing # (Because some properties weren't actually set) val = getattr(self, if val in rt_ref.ref.cache: rt_ref.ref.cache[val].new_reference(rt_ref, self)
[docs] async def update(self, db=None): """Update object in the database.""" if db is None: db = GlobalDb.get() self.check() assert self.in_db dct = {} for p in self._complete_props: dct[] = p.type.to_sql(self.__dict__[p.dataname]) if type(self)._incomplete: dct[type(self)] = self.__dict__[type(self).key.dataname] await type(self)._update_command.with_data(**dct).exec(db)
[docs] async def delete(self, db=None): """Delete object from the database.""" if db is None: db = GlobalDb.get() assert self.in_db dct = {} for p in type(self).key.referencing_props(): dct[] = self.__dict__[p.dataname] await type(self)._delete_command.with_data(**dct).exec(db) self.in_db = False
constraint = None """ object-wide constraint is checked at three times: - `__init__` - `insert` - `update` - + manual calling of check """
[docs] def check(self): """Check object-wide constraint.""" if self.constraint is not None: if not self.constraint(): raise ObjectConstraintFail(self)
[docs] def raw(cls: MetaEntity, text: str, dct={}) -> RawSql: """Return a RawSql where the results will be interpreted as objects of `cls`.""" return RawClassedSql(cls, text, dct)
[docs] def get(cls: MetaEntity, *where_clauses: list) -> Sql: return Select(cls, where_clauses)
[docs] async def find_by_key(cls: MetaEntity, key, db: Database = None) -> "cls": """Works different from `get`, as it will immediatly return the object""" if db is None: db = GlobalDb.get() try: return cls.cache[key] except KeyError: return await cls._find_by_key_query.with_data(key=key).single(db)
def __setprop__(self, prop, val): if isinstance(prop, ConstrainedProperty) and (not prop.constraint(val)): raise PropertyConstraintFail(self, prop) self.__dict__[prop.dataname] = val def __getprop__(self, prop): return self.__dict__[prop.dataname]
[docs] def edit_from_json(self, dct: dict): #used = set() for p in type(self)._edit_json_props: if in dct: self.__setprop__(p, dct[])
#used.add( # TODO perhaps make this work again (Keys are checked!) #notused = dct.keys() - used #if len(notused) > 0: # raise CantSetProperty(self, notused)
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.json_repr())
[docs] def json_repr(self) -> dict: """Returns a dictionary of all properties that don't contain `json = False`. When overriding this method, you can return anything you want as long as it is convertible to JSON. """ d = {} for p in self._json_props: d[] = self.__dict__[p.dataname] return d
def __eq__(self, other): # Yay caching return self is other def __hash__(self): # Yay caching return id(self) def __str__(self): try: return type(self).__name__ + str(self.key) if isinstance(self.key, tuple) else "(" + str(self.key) + ")" except: return "some " + type(self).__name__
[docs]class RTEntity(Entity): """Subclass of Entity that sends live updates! Listeners should follow the interface of `Listener`. """ __no_meta__ = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._listeners = set() super(RTEntity, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def update(self, db: Database = None): if db is None: db = GlobalDb.get() await super(RTEntity, self).update(db) for l in self._listeners: l.update(self)
[docs] def send_update(self, db = None): if db is None: db = GlobalDb.get() """To manually send messages to all listeners. Won't save to database.""" for l in self._listeners: l.update(self)
[docs] async def delete(self, db = None): if db is None: db = GlobalDb.get() await super(RTEntity, self).delete(db) for l in self._listeners: l.delete(self) l._remove_listenee(self)
[docs] def new_reference(self, ref, ref_obj): for l in self._listeners: l.new_reference(self, ref_obj)
[docs] def remove_reference(self, ref, ref_obj): for l in self._listeners: l.remove_reference(self, ref_obj)
# TODO perhaps a problem with deleting?
[docs] def add_listener(self, l: "Listener"): """Add listeners to this object.""" self._listeners.add(l) l._add_listenee(self)
[docs] def remove_listener(self, l: "Listener"): if l in self._listeners: self._listeners.remove(l) l._remove_listenee(self)
[docs] def remove_all_listeners(self): for l in self._listeners: self._listeners.remove(l) l._remove_listenee(self)
[docs]class Listener: """Interface for a listener to be used with `RTEntity`. Main use is documentation, not functionality. Most implementations will want to define a `set` of objects they are listening to (*listenees*). """ def _add_listenee(self, obj: RTEntity): """Add from listenees set. (This method has an underscore to discourage directly calling it. You should instead use the methods in `RTEntity`.) """ def _remove_listenee(self, obj: RTEntity): """Remove from listenees set. (This method has an underscore to discourage directly calling it. You should instead use the methods in `RTEntity`.) """
[docs] def update(self, obj: RTEntity): """Handle updates to the object."""
[docs] def delete(self, obj: RTEntity): """Handle deletions of the object."""
[docs] def new_reference(self, obj: RTEntity, ref_obj: Entity): """Handle a new reference from `ref_obj` to `obj`. `ref_obj` does not have to be a `RTEntity`. """
[docs] def remove_reference(self, obj: RTEntity, ref_obj: Entity): """Handle the removal of a reference from `ref_obj` to `obj`. `ref_obj` does not have to be a `RTEntity`. """