Source code for sparrow.model

import json
from collections import OrderedDict

from .util import *
from .sql import *
from .entity import *

# Helpers
# =======

[docs]def indent(s, i=4, code=True): lines = s.split("\n") prefix = "::\n\n" if code else "" return prefix + "\n".join([(" "*i) + l for l in lines])
[docs]def inline(s): return "``" + str(s) + "``"
# Central class # =============
[docs]class SparrowModel: """ The central class that keeps everything together. """ def __init__(self, ioloop, db_args, classes, debug=True, db=None, set_global_db=False): self.ioloop = ioloop if db is not None: self.db = db else: self.db = Database(ioloop, **db_args) if set_global_db: GlobalDb.set(self.db) self.classes = classes self.debug = debug # Keeps track of all SQL statements self.sql_statements = set()
[docs] def add_sql_statement(self, stat: Sql): """Add an `Sql` that you want printed on `info()`.""" self.sql_statements.add(stat)
[docs] def all_sql_statements(self): """Return all `Sql` statements that have been added or are automatically generated.""" for c in self.classes: yield from self.sql_for_class(c) yield from self.sql_statements
[docs] def sql_for_class(self, cls): for e in cls._enums: yield e._create_type_command yield cls._create_table_command yield cls._drop_table_command yield cls._insert_command yield cls._update_command yield cls._delete_command yield cls._find_by_key_query
[docs] async def install(self): """Set up database, only once for each "install" of the model""" for c in self.classes: for e in c._enums: await e._create_type_command.exec(self.db) await c._create_table_command.exec(self.db)
[docs] async def uninstall(self): """Very brutal operation, drops all tables.""" for c in self.classes: await c._drop_table_command.exec(self.db) for e in c._enums: await e._drop_type_command.exec(self.db)
[docs] def sql_info(self): """Print all SQL statements (as organized as possible).""" print("\n") print("All (logged) SQL statements") print("===========================") for c in self.classes: s = "Statements for object type ``{}``".format(c.__name__) print("\n\n" + s) print("-"*len(s), end="\n\n") for s in self.sql_for_class(c): print(str(s), end="\n\n") # TODO more categorizing print("Uncategorized statements") print("------------------------\n") for s in self.sql_statements: print(str(s), end="\n\n")
[docs] def json_info(self): """Print all JSON info (as organized as possible). Send this to frontend devs.""" print("\n") print("Automatically generated JSON definitions") print("========================================") for c in self.classes: s = "Definition for object type ``{}``".format(c.__name__) print("\n\n" + s) print("-"*len(s), end="\n\n") possible_for = False if c.json_repr is Entity.json_repr: d = OrderedDict() for p in c._json_props: d[] = str(p.type) print(indent(json.dumps(d, indent=4))) else: print("Definition is custom!") if hasattr(c.json_repr, "__doc__") and c.json_repr.__doc__ is not None: print("The documentation says:\n\n" + indent(c.json_repr.__doc__, code=False)) possible_for = True print("\nKey properties are (might not be in definition): " + ", ".join([ inline( for p in c.key.referencing_props()])) if isinstance(c.key, Key) and not isinstance(c.key, Property): refs = [] for p in c.key.orig_props: if isinstance(p, Reference) or isinstance(p, SingleReference): refs.append(p) if possible_for and len(refs) > 0: assert len(refs) == 1, "Multiple references in key not yet supported" print('\nThere might be a "for" attribute needed when getting:\n') ref = refs[0] fordct = OrderedDict([("what", ref.ref.__name__)]) for p in ref.ref.key.referencing_props(): fordct[] = str(p.type) print(indent('"for": ' + json.dumps(fordct, indent=4))) print("")